What I have learned during this semester at UConn

During my semesters, I learned a lot. But the first thing I learned was that organization in UConn is really important. Do not follow the motto: “If tomorrow is not the due date, today is not the do date.” I can tell; it is the worst motto ever. Once you have started, you cannot go back. But anyway, that was a fun experience to go to bed at 3 o’clock to finish my assignments and to wake up at 8 to go to class. It was a real challenge. And I think I succeeded!
            Moreover, I discovered that no matter the differences between cultures, you can be friends with people from all over the world. That is the most incredible feeling ever. My best friend in UConn is Korean. I never knew that I could be friend with someone whose culture is so different from mine. I mean, I do not eat with chopsticks (LOL). In addition, I have friends from all over the world now: Australia, England, Germany, Sweden, and Denmark… Oh, and America also! I think I will be able to crash at somebody’s place in one of this country. Do not get me wrong, I am not really friend with them because they are cool, but mostly because I will not have to book something in one of those countries. I am kidding of course!
            I also learned that I did not travel enough in France. The United-States are so big and I have never traveled so much and so far! In France, I am always telling myself that I have time and that I will do it later. But I never take the time to do it. The result is that now, I have more visited American cities than French one! That is a weird feeling to tell yourself that you almost know better the United-States than your own country. And it is not like if we do not have the means to travel in France. Indeed, “[we’ve got planes, and trains and cars; I walk [there] if I had no other way” (reference to Plain White T’s, Hey There Delilah of course!) Anyway, we have the means and I do not take advantage of it. It is a shame. I mean, to go somewhere in the United States, you almost need your car every time!
            This experience in the United States makes me realize that I love my family and I wish I was sharing this adventure with them. But it is also good that there are not here, because if they were, I could not have gone out on week nights and gone to parties as much as I did. So, in some way, I am happy there are not here!
            It was a fun experience and I am eager for it to start again next semester, with new people and new adventures. I cannot wait to see how it is going to be. Though, I must say, I am going to miss every single one of the international exchange students who shared that adventure with me and I thank them for making my life here, a treasure.
            See you next semester!
PS: I also thank my teachers, especially Katrina and Sara who made that class one of my favorite!

Written by: Mathilde Jouanne

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