How are American politics viewed in your home country? Are Americans more or less politically active than your home culture?

On Wednesday, October 19th, I decided with my roommate to watch the Presidential debate. I must say, it was a lot of fun. My roommate and I made a lot of comments during this debate because everything that Hillary and Trump were saying was meant to attack the other candidates most of the time.

            It must be really humiliating for the United States to be represented by two people who act like kids. Moreover, they are the more hated two candidates and most of the people are not voting for the candidate they prefer but for the one they hate the less. I might sound a little bit judgmental about the situation, but actually the same thing will happen in France in May. So I guess it is going to be fun during the G20!

            To get back to the debate, Hillary was really sharp. But the two candidates were always attacking the other with some personal affairs –that should have stayed in the private sphere–, just because they want America to know the candidate they are going to vote for. But at this point, I think it is only pathetic because everyone knows about Donald Trump and Hillary’s scandals. Each candidate used those scandals to weaken the other candidates. But I do not know if they realized that by doing that, it not only decreased the other candidate’s popularity but also decreased their own because people think (or at least I think) that it is not a good move and it is a childish way to expose your ideas.

            During the debate, Hillary and Trump exposed their ideas. But there were always a moment when they had to say something mean about the other candidate. So, yeah, it was really funny to listen to them, acting like adolescent that hate each other. But I mean, what about their reputation and their credibility in front of the world and the American citizens? How did America reach the point that people think this election is about voting the lesser of two evils? Yes, that is what this election represents: two evils fighting for presidency.

            I am really glad I am not able to vote in America, because if I was, I do not know for which candidate I would be voting. Or at least, I know but it is only because I hate the other one so much. My other roommate said that she is not sure she is going to vote because she hates both candidates and voting for Bernie Sanders will be a waste of time. I told her that she should at least go to vote, I tried to convince her. But she succeeded to convince me that she wanted to have the right to chose to vote or to not vote.

            So who is going to win? Who will be the lesser of two evils? Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump? Let’s wait November 8th to discover it. But by that time, you can still watch Hillary and Trump’s show in replay!

Written by: Mathilde Jouanne

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